Just Add Ink #707 – Just Add a Sketch

Hello there, it’s time for another Just Add Ink Challenge and do we have a great sketch for you!

I thought the cut away circle area would be a great spot to highlight a Christmas element. I used some old Christmas DSP, added a coloured elf from the MFT’s ‘Santa’s Elves’ stamp set with a sentinment from PTI’s ‘Rustic Wreath’ stamp set. The DSP was looking a bit flat, so I added some blue stars.

Come join in the fun; we’d love to see how you were inspired. Check out the projects that the other artists at Just Add Ink have created, take the challenge and link your creation to the challenge post. We’d love to have you join us.  You have until Wednesday, 26th June at 7pm (AEST) Australian Eastern Standard Time to link up your project.

Thanks for looking and have a great day.

Author: tinstar05

Hey there! I’m a card-making enthusiast with a passion for creativity that knows no bounds. Currently, I’m fortunate to be a part of four fantastic international card design teams, where I get to explore my craft and connect with fellow artists from all corners of the globe. It’s amazing how the world of card making can bring people together, and I’m constantly inspired by the diversity of styles and ideas that come my way. Beyond my card-making adventures, I lead a pretty busy life in the learning and development field, where I work full time as a Learning Lead. I thrive on helping others grow and reach their full potential, and it’s a role that keeps me on my toes and constantly learning. When I’m not immersed in the world of work or crafting, you can find me on the netball court, coaching and sharing my love for the game with a bunch of amazing individuals. So, whether I’m crafting, guiding professional development, or coaching on the court, I’m all about embracing lifes colorful and creative possibilities! Thanks for stopping by my corner of the web, and I hope you enjoy exploring my card creations and more.

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